If the JetBlade™ floor quick-drying function for your MACH V1 Ultra does not work, please try the following troubleshooting steps to verify if the issue can be resolved:


  1. Please try pressing the quick-drying button at the end of the handlebar on the vacuum cleaner three times consecutively. The quick-drying button is specifically designed to prevent the quick-drying function from being accidentally activated; therefore, please press the button three times firmly and quickly to activate the quick-drying function.

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  1. Please place the vacuum cleaner on the charging base and press the button to test whether the self-cleaning function can be activated. If the self-cleaning function works, it is most likely due to the quick-drying button not being pressed quickly enough to activate the quick-drying function. Please remove the vacuum cleaner from the charging base and try pressing the button three times firmly and quickly to activate the quick-drying function again.


If you have any further questions, please contact MyAnker Support team for assistance.