Before starting the setup process, please ensure the following:


  • Your phone is connected to a 2.4GHz WiFi and you know the WiFi password.
  • Ensure that you have already enabled the location service for the EufyLife app. On your phone, go to Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Location -> EufyLife -> Allow only while using the app.


1. For scales that have not been connected via Bluetooth, please connect to Bluetooth first.

2. For scales that have been connected via Bluetooth, you can click the corresponding scale on the sidebar to open the Settings page. Go to Settings and click "Connect to Wi-Fi".


3. Choose your home's 2.4GHz WiFi networkenter the WiFi password, and click "Next". If no WiFi network is available, please refresh the list. 

4. Do not disconnect your phone's Bluetooth while connecting. A flashing WiFi light means the scale is connecting. 

You can press and hold the UNIT button at the bottom of the scale for 10 seconds to restore the scale to factory settings and then restart the WiFi connection.

5. After the connection is successful, click "Start" to check your data.